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U.S. Nonimmigrant Visa Applicants from India can now Update DS-160 Information After Scheduling Visa Interview

  • February 4, 2013
150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

Regular readers of MurthyIndiaBulletin are aware that the new visa application system, introduced in India in September 2012, requires nonimmigrant visa applicants to create a profile at after completion of Form DS-160, and to generate the payment code to remit the visa application fee. Following this, they must schedule the visa interview. In its original form, the system did not allow an applicant to modify the confirmation code provided by the Consular Electronic Application Center (i.e., the CEAC code). Readers may be aware that this CEAC confirmation code is generated as evidence of submission of the Form DS160 online. Recently, the system has been changed to permit primary applicant(s) to provide a new CEAC confirmation code, generated by submitting a new Form DS160.

This modification can be effected only up to midnight preceding the biometrics appointment. The code cannot be modified for any dependents that were added to the primary applicant’s profile. For example, if a husband, wife, and child apply for a B-2 visa as a family, and the father is the primary applicant and adds the wife and child to his CEAC profile as dependents, the CEAC confirmation code can be modified only for the father in this example. An applicant may need to modify the confirmation code if s/he discovers any mistake on the Form DS-160 after “Signing and Submitting” the same.

Though this feature is available, it is important for U.S. visa applicants to spend sufficient time and verify that all information presented is accurate, prior to submission of Form DS-160. This will avoid multiple form DS-160s with conflicting information.